5 Essentials for Team Performance

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Mike Armour is a featured headliner on C-Suite Radio

For leaders who want to develop a high-performing team, here's a template to work from. I usually refer to it as the Hign-Performance Molecule. In training settings, I illustrate it with a graphic which depicts five essentials for team performance arranged to resemble a molecule.

The five elements of the molecule are Capability, Throughput, Efficiency, Reliability, and Trust. Each of these plays an indispensable role in achieving high performance as a team.

To capitalize on the potential of these elements, leaders and managers should pursue the following strategems:

  • Staff for Capability
  • Organize for Throughput
  • Innovate for Efficiency
  • Train for Reliability
  • Make Trust a Core Concern

This episode examines each of these five mandates and highlights key concepts to keep in mind when implementing them.

You might also be interested in the previous podcast on Defining High Performance for Your Team