The Lonely Side of Leadership

No One Warned Me About It

And That's True of Most Leaders

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Mike Armour is a featured headliner on C-Suite Radio

Once I moved into senior executive responsiblities, I was surprised by how often I had to contend with loneliness.

I was hesitant to talk about it for years. I thought it was my own unique problem.

But when I began to talk about it with other high-level leaders, they often opened up and talked to me about their own struggle with loneliness. And like me, they were surprised at how intense it could be and how quietly it slipped up on them.

To be certain, many people spend a lifetime in loneliness without experiencing loneliness in the role. Loneliness is not a given in the realm of leadership duties.

But I've found it to be especially prevalent in the highest tiers of leadership. Several factors contribute to the susceptibility of senior executives to loneliness.

In this episode, I take up several of these factors and offer suggestions on how to cope with them when they arise.