Rally, Motivate, Mobilize

The Action Agenda for Leaders

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Mike Armour is a featured headliner on C-Suite Radio

This is the fourth in a series of episodes exploring the meaning of leadership. In this final program in the series, I look at the action agenda for all leaders, no matter where they lead or the nature of their organization.

Fundamentally, every leader must rally people around the leader's cause, motivate them to pursue it, and mobilize them to achieve it.

The rallying and motivational aspects of this agenda center on the leader's people skills. Mobilizing people to achieve the organizing purpose is more management oriented.

The best leaders excel at both the people side and the management side of the leadership agenda. But many leaders are not that versatile. They excel at either the people side or the management side of their duties, but pay insufficient attention to the other.

This episode looks at all three of these functions and the impact that the leader's personality and character have on accomplishing all three functions in the leadership action agenda.